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Friday, April 8, 2011

Facebook Meets Yahoo! Contacts (Part II)

Lots of Yahoo! Mail users are Facebook users. If you follow this blog, you know that we’ve been trying to help you get more out of both services, from updating your Facebook status from Yahoo! Mail to importing your Facebook friend’s email addresses in Yahoo! Contacts. Today I’d like to tell you about a new feature that populates your contact’s details page with information from Facebook – all without you barely lifting a finger!
To activate any Facebook-related feature, you first must link your Facebook account by clicking on “Add to Facebook” in the status section of Yahoo! Mail (if you’ve linked before, you are already good to go).
Picture 8
After you sign in with Facebook, presto! Your Yahoo! Contacts now gets filled with information from Facebook to make it even more useful. (Plus you get all the new features we’ve launched recently – and continue to launch – in Yahoo! Mail).
Specifically, for any contact that uses Facebook, you will now see public details about them automatically added from Facebook. For example, you’ll see their Facebook photo and any information they have chosen to share publicly – like current location and work history. Your Yahoo! Contacts just populated itself!
Picture 2
For contacts that you are also connected with on Facebook, you get to see even more about them including their birthday, email address if you don’t have it, and even their most recent status message – right from their contact details page.
Picture 3
Now your Yahoo! Contacts becomes much richer – effortlessly – by supplementing details you’ve added with information automatically from Facebook (and don’t worry, we will never overwrite Facebook details with anything you’ve added). It’s just our way of helping you stay connected to the people who matter the most to you.
Again, to get started, simply link your account and you’ll be on your way to a better Yahoo! Contacts in no time! As always, please let us know what you think and thank you in advance for your feedback.


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