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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Make your search even better and accurate with the top three search engines in the world!

Did you know that almost everyone on the net uses search engines to find everything even if you know the web site you type it in the search engine box instead of the browser. That being said you would need to know the best way to search.By knowing simple tricks you will cut your time in half from searching and put it to more things you enjoy. here are some very nice ways to make your search as accurate as possible.

USE QUOTES (""): Using quotes is the most basic technique to use. For example when you type in a search on snow globes you will be directed to about 30,000,000 results on content about snow and globes in the same content, but when you type in "snow globes" is will come up to 724,000 results about that exact term.

WILDCARD (*): "George * Bush" will return search on "George Bush", George W. Bush", "George Dubya Bush", and any other page that has anything between George and Bush. You can also yo9u more then one asterisk like this: * Million of Americans eat *  like a question.

EXCLUDING WORDS (-):  Some searches are very tricky to search for because there are several meanings for that word or phrase. For example you search for Turkey and the results turn up to about 20,000,000 pages of results, but if you type in "turkey -bird it will illuminate more then half the page results and you will be able to find the information you need like the information on the country Turkey.

SEARCHING WITHIN A WEB SITE: Sometimes you want to find a certain article or page, movie, or documents inside a website that you know. for example is Site: attack on Libya and it will direct you to articles that is from fox news and the content is about the attack on Libya.

USE YOUR SEARCH ENGINE AS A CALCULATOR: For example type in 3*5+5-7*100-100+50 in to your search box and it instantly gives you the answer

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